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  • Under the pressure of environmental protection, how to face the organic pigment industry?

      During 1980-1990, the development speed of organic pigments began to slow down. During this time, fewer new pigments came into being. Only one major category of industrialized products, the red pigment of heterocyclic structure --- DPP-type pigment, was actually produced. After 1995, the advent of new organic pigments has almost disappeared because of the EU REACH legislation, the introduction of new chemicals has a very strict policy, need to do a series of tests, the cost of 550,000 euros or more. This seriously hampered the enthusiasm of enterprises (especially fine chemical enterprises) to research and develop new structural products. The technical development of the industry shifted to the following aspects:

      Seeking a more reasonable synthetic route, changing raw materials, reducing the cost of production of existing varieties to solve or reduce environmental pollution; seeking other areas of application, especially in high-tech applications, such as: for the CD Phthalocyanine pigments, cyanine dyes, azo pigments; phthalocyanine pigments for laser printing, electrophotography, perylene pigments; perylene pigments for solar heat storage; DPP pigments for color liquid crystal filters, etc. ; Development of new application forms such as inks for digital inkjet printing; predispersed pigments for pigmentation of acrylic fiber stock solutions; pigments for temporary hair coloring hairsprays and the like. The application of organic pigments in the latter two aspects has greatly increased their added value, thus greatly promoting pigment manufacturers' enthusiasm in developing new uses of pigments and dosage forms for application.

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